Humanities: Extra Credit

Your assignment is to “listen” to this piece (Smetana Ma Vlast Moldau Kubelik Czech 1990) and note the time where you “hear”…

The two springs come together: 00:01:05
The springs pass the farmer’s wedding: 00:03:46
The springs pass the dancing mermaids: 00:05:05

The springs pass the castles and palaces: 00:00:24
And, finally …when they enter the Elbe: 00:01:20

ETHICS: Research Paper

Humanities – Week 9: Rococo v. Neo-Classic Periods

In a couple of paragraphs compare the architectural style from the Rococo period through the Neoclassic period. What is your favorite Rococo building? If you need a good example google Mad King Ludwig’s Castles and check out Linderhof.

Rococo was a style of French art and interior design in the 18th century. The word Rococo is a combination of the French rocaille (the arranging of stones into natural forms) and the Italian borocco or Barouge style. The Rococo style used asymmetry, that was new to the European style. During this period furniture was lighthearted, physically and visually. Often using Mahogany due to it’s strength.

NEO CLASSIC-Schermerhorn
Neo-Classicism is the name given to quite distinct movements that drew from Western classical art and culture during the mid 18th through the end of the 19th century. Neo-classical paintings are devoid of pastel colors and haziness, instead they have sharp colors.

Written Communications: The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone – Walking Distance

Advanced Image Editing: SIN CITY


Advanced Image Editing: Self Portrait

EGC-AIE SelfPortriat-Final

WrittenComm: Week 7 Journal

A Perfect Day

To be perfectly honest, most of my days are fairly perfect. There are a few factors of my life that gunk up the cogs but those can and will change at any point. To get back tot he point, here a is a breakdown of “A Perfect Day.”

I would begin the day but enjoying an omelet and orange juice at the local IHOP, with my wife and son. Next, we would return and enjoy each other’s company by playing with toys, reading or watching a movie. Following playtime, we would go out to lunch at my favorite pasta restaurant, Noodles & Company. After lunch, we would give our local cinema a visit and catch a movie. Following the movie, we would do a little window shopping before heading home. To finish off the day, we would have some friends over to play “The Beatles Rock Band” and order pizzas for dinner and possibly have a few drinks. Exhausted from the fun, we would then go to bed.

WrittenComm: Is Punctuation Important

Read these and  decide for yourself:

Dear John:

I want a man who knows what love is all about, You are geneous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we are apart. I can be forever happy–will you let me be yours?


Dear John:

I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior, You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we are apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?



Humanities: W5 – DQ5 – Gothic & Roman Architecture

Discussion Question: In a couple of paragraphs compare and contrast the Gothic and Romanesque styles in
architecture. What is your favorite Gothic building? Why? Attach a picture to share with the class.

The Gothic style of architecture flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture. The Romanesque style of architecture is characterised by semi-circular arches.

Gothic architecture began in 12th-century France lasting until the 16th century. It is characterized by the use of pointed arches.

I have attached my favorite example of Romanesque Architecture, Notre Dame de Paris.



WrittenComm: Discussion/Journal Question #5

Topic: Favorite Food

When I think of the food that I like, it is kinda difficult to rank a particular food higher or lower than another. I am a major sweet tooth, but I also love pasta. The soft noodle, amazing spices and creamy sauces just drive me wild. To be more specific, I really enjoy the Penne Rossa pasta (with feta and shrimp) at Noodles & Company.

Grade: 10/10

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